Thursday, November 11, 2010


Sorry it has been a while since I've written - this has been quite a week! And even when I've had a few minutes I just haven't known what to write. It's been hard knowing that we only have a little over a month left to be here! Not much has changed since the last time I wrote, except the rain isn't nearly as bad - it's pretty normal weather now. It's kind of cool, actually! I love it. Still though, there is a lot of damage that has been left behind by the storms...there are a lot of people in need here. And, the storm is headed towards Haiti.

So - for Thanksgiving, I am going to be helping a group from my program, CEA, build a house for a family that lost everything during the floods. I'm so excited! We are trying to raise the money to buy a pre-fabricated house: about 5 thousand dollars. If any of you want to donate money, please don't hesitate to let me know!! Anything would be a huge help! I'll be posting pictures of the family and of the house as soon as I can!


:) My brother.

The people here have touched my life in ways that they won't ever be able to imagine. And this country has just captured me with its mountains and its culture. I thought I would love it here, and I knew it would be hard to leave from the beginning, but something so deep inside me is just moved by the incredible privilege of being here. I can't describe it any other way. I know that God is at work - and I know that where I am right now is part of my calling. More than anything, I want to come back. I want to live here and work here and be used by God here - and up until today I was pursuing trying to come back right after Christmas to study here next semester. But, that door has been closed, and I know that I just have to live to the fullest the time I do have left. I am hoping to come back before I graduate, but if not, I know I won't be able to stay away for long. More than anything I want to be doing what God is calling me to... and that might not be here. It might be in the states, or in another country, I don't know. All I know is that this experience has touched me to the very core of who I am, and I miss it already.



Cards! One of our favorite pastimes.


Kathleen, Diana, and precious Ariana

Santiago and Mariana

We have fun while helping our architect friends with their projects:)


Okay - well, let me know if you'd like to give money for our project to help the family build their house! I hope all of you are having a good week. And Thanksgiving isn't too far away!

"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever." (1 Timothy 1:15-17)

Much love,
(World Traveler in Training)

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful heart you have! I'm so encouraged by your plans for Thanksgiving. Tell me how I can donate and I will. I love you and I can't wait to hear your voice soon. Oh, and I love your pictures so much. They just show what a wonderful time you are having with your new family. =]
