I'm sitting here in the Ft. Lauderdale International airport, which, might I add, is in the United States!!! So I'm officially back in the country, although all airports do kind of begin to look the same. So it hasn't hit me yet. Today has been a pretty long day, and this week was a pretty long one as well, just with saying goodbye to everyone and trying to enjoy my last week in Costa Rica - I can't believe it's over. I knew today would come and I knew that this semester would go by fast, but I'm still in shock that I'm not in Costa Rica anymore. It's the strangest feeling! I am excited to be home for Christmas though. :) Both of my flights today have been delayed, so I'm just hanging out in the airport with my friend Anne, a fellow impatient student. It's nice to have an airport buddy.

I'm not really sure what else to say - just that I am SO incredibly grateful for this semester, that God was so faithful and worked in amazing ways, and that Costa Rica, and the people I met there, will forever be in my heart.
For my last post of photos, I'm going to do a bit of a re-cap of my time here...I've posted some of these pictures before, but therefore the word re-cap. I've enjoyed taking pictures this semester and I hope you've enjoyed them!





Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to everyone!!
Hopefully this won't be the last post in my Costa Rica blog! More than anything I want to come back. But for now, I'm home.
Signing out,
(World Traveler in Training)
looks like you had loads of fun!