Hello friends! Sorry it's been a while since I've written - so much has been going on! I don't even know where to start! But I'll do my best...
This past weekend we visited two different volcanoes: Poas and Irazu. They were both amazing, and driving through the country is so beautiful! Plus, driving up the mountains always reminds me of camping and of Colorado. =) Also, we visited two of the oldest churches in Costa Rica. That was really cool just to see some of the history of the culture here, and also how much its history has been influenced by Catholicism. In one of the churches, the people would only walk on their knees down the middle isle of the church. On the sides people walked normally, but down the middle, old and young people alike would walk on their knees. I've never seen that before in a church, so it was really interesting. But also while we were there, some of the things bothered me. Also at the church, they were selling "holy water" from a spring outside the church that is thought to consist of pure, healing, "holy" water. I don't know. It just bothered me. I didn't turn over any tables though. ;)
Classes are going well, and I'm starting to feel more comfortable here. I still wish that I had more opportunities to hang out with Ticos, (Costa Ricans), but I'm hoping that will come. The weather has been AMAZING lately!! It rains sometimes in the late afternoons, but other than that, it has been sunny and warm during the day, and cool at night - my perfect weather!
For those of you who have been praying for me, I appreciate you guys SO much!! I have had some incredible conversations in the past week and I am just praising God for giving me boldness to talk about what I believe, and also for giving me opportunities! I'm so grateful, and I'm hopeful that He will use it to His glory.
Sooooo..... ALLY AND MY MOM ARE COMING TO VISIT ME TOMORROW!! I'm excited! They won't be here for very long, but we'll have a great time!
Oh! Something else very exciting: Meagan and I got free Veritas tshirts today! And you know me, I'm all about the free tshirts. ;)
Hasta luego!
(World Traveler in Training)
And here are some more pictures!

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