Hello, friends. :)
Costa Rica and its mountains are so beautiful today. The weather here amazes me...one minute it's sunny, and the next, it's a complete downpour. Tropical climate in the mountains. Love it. I do miss fall though...I miss the leaves turning colors, and the smell, and the pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks...but I'm here in a beautiful country with its own mountains, forests, beaches, and just two seasons: rainy and dry.
This morning I didn't have Spanish class since we start a new "month" of intensive classes tomorrow. A month of Spanish here is equal to a year at home, so I'm glad to have a day to breathe! haha. Anyways, with the morning completely free, at first I wasn't sure what I would do. And then, I started to read. I read beautiful, bilingual truth, in my own Bible and in the new Spanish one I bought before I came here. Memorizing verses in Spanish is overwhelming at first, but what an amazing picture it is to know the scriptures in two different languages! It gives the words a new perspective, kind of like when you read a verse that you've read several times, but it never really sunk in until that certain moment - like your eyes were just opened. That's what happened to me this morning!
"Pongan todas sus preocupaciones y ansiedades en las manos de Dios, porque él cuida de ustedes."
1 Pedro 5:7

"No amen a este mundo ni las cosas que les ofrece porque cuando aman al mundo, no tienen el amor del Padres en ustedes. Pues el mundo sólo ofrece un intenso deseo por el placer físico, un deseo insaciable por todo lo que vemos y el orgullo de nuestros logros y posesiones. Nada de eso proviene del Padre, sino que viene del mundo, y este mundo se acaba junto con todo lo que la gente tanto desea, pero el que hace lo que a Dios le agrada vivirá para siempre."
1 Juan 2:15-17
Off to photography class.... It seems impossible to capture all the beauty here, but I enjoy getting pieces and angles of it...learning about this art is so exciting, and makes me want to be a photographer forever! Even if it is just a hobby.
.....okay, that's all until later!
(World Traveler in Training)
1 Pedro 5:7
"No amen a este mundo ni las cosas que les ofrece porque cuando aman al mundo, no tienen el amor del Padres en ustedes. Pues el mundo sólo ofrece un intenso deseo por el placer físico, un deseo insaciable por todo lo que vemos y el orgullo de nuestros logros y posesiones. Nada de eso proviene del Padre, sino que viene del mundo, y este mundo se acaba junto con todo lo que la gente tanto desea, pero el que hace lo que a Dios le agrada vivirá para siempre."
1 Juan 2:15-17
Off to photography class.... It seems impossible to capture all the beauty here, but I enjoy getting pieces and angles of it...learning about this art is so exciting, and makes me want to be a photographer forever! Even if it is just a hobby.
.....okay, that's all until later!
(World Traveler in Training)
Hello to my beautiful daughter. I miss you so much but am very grateful for your opportunities in Costa Rica. Visiting you there actually has made me miss you more.
ReplyDeleteSince you won't be here for Thanksgiving, I have decided to invite several students over for our celebration. I plan to offer Rock Band, puzzles, football and lots of traditional foods.
I have cherished our moments together during my visit. I remember several quotes: "just let it swirl" "Don't look at a map, look lost, or act like you need help, just WALK!" "Here come the monkeys" and of course, "Do I need colognes? Oh no I just have a hundred dollar bill"
I love you!