Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dia Segunda

¡Hola amigos!

Today was definitely a crazy day. I can't believe it is only the second day that we have been here! And although it's overwhelming being in an entirely different environment, and I'm in way over my head with my rusty Spanish, I can tell that it will start to get easier, and after a couple weeks, I think I'll feel right at home. The house I'm living in is beautiful and my host mom and dad couldn't be nicer. The food so far has been amazing - oh my goodness. And this morning we all went to "Cafe Brit" in Heredia, about 30 minutes away. At Cafe Brit there are acres of coffee fields, and there, they harvest the coffee beans, process them, and roast them! Definitely the best coffee I've ever tasted. The tour guides were hilarious - they took us to the coffee fields, the plant, and to where they taste test the coffee. They made the tour really fun and it went by fast! I got a sweet safari style Cafe Brit hat out of the deal too! Que bueno. haha. And everything, although it was raining almost all day, was beautiful. I love how cool it is here!

I just finished unpacking and putting everything away - now, for more Spanish practice! I have my oral exam in the morning, and then on Tuesday, classes start!

(World Traveler in Training)


  1. Coffee, how fun! I'm so jealous! I'm praying for you, friend!

  2. Shelby!! =) I just now saw your comment! But thanks so much for the prayers, I'm praying for you too! And I miss you! But hey, if you're a really good little girl while I'm gone, maybe you'll get some Costa Rican coffee once I'm back... ;)
