Saturday, September 25, 2010

On My Way...

Well, the day is actually here!! I've had butterflies in my stomach ever since we left for the Atlanta airport. And now I'm sitting here in the Ft Lauderdale/Miami airport with my overpriced trail mix, considering purchasing an overpriced water bottle, and waiting for my next flight. Good news: I've had a chance to use my Spanish already!! Bad news: I almost applied for a Spirit Airlines Let Us Rip You Off credit card while I was trying to figure out what the hispanic flight attendant was talking about. But, more good news: I did figure it out! So, conclusion: rusty Spanish skills, but there is room for hope!

This morning I got out my new bilingual Bible (yay) and was reading in Romans 7, and also in Philippians 4. Besides getting completely immersed on the beauty of what I was reading, I was also encouraged and challenged by the struggle, calling, and truth in those passages. The Lord's peace really surpasses all understanding. How good and awesome He is!

So, with the Word of truth in my backpack, anticipation for what this semester has in store, and wonderful people at home praying for me and supporting me, I think I'm all set!

Your sister in Christ,
(World traveler in training)


Contact info:

Skype name: sunshinekid31
Email address:
House Address: Courtney Belcher
c/o Kathleen Ruffley
De Propet 125 Norte, quinta casa mano izquierda
San Jose, Costa Rica

My school address is already on here, it's on the last blog I wrote - either one will work!

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